People who give and serve others without any expectation of getting something in return are the happiest people on earth. Donating a part of your hard-earned money to support a cause that helps in the betterment of society is a very selfless and courageous act. People nowadays lead a busy life and have no time to help others, yet there are many effective ways to help others at any time and from any location. Online donation portals of many nonprofit organizations make it easier for people to donate from the comfort of their homes.
There are plenty of reasons and noble causes that can be supported with the help of your donation.
Prasadam is food that is offered to the Supreme Personality, Lord Krishna, who, in His mercy, accepts our offering and by doing so, purifies the food. Prasadam is no different from Krishna Himself and simply by eating it, we can know Krishna. Considered the perfection of vegetarianism, eating prasadam leads one to the highest state of spiritual realization. Prasadam distribution, therefore, is one of the most important activities and this fact echoes through every one of the many prasadam stalls within the temple. A large team of cooks is involved in the cooking which is supported by another team which exclusively takes care of maintaining cleanliness of the kitchen premises.
Hence, to serve society and help in making the lives of people living in underprivileged conditions better,here are some noble causes you can donate to, to make this society a better place to live in:
1. Donate to fight hunger ;
Charitable organizations work for various causes and helping to feed the people living in distressed conditions is one of them. You can donate to such organizations and be the reason behind eliminating hunger. You can also volunteer at kitchens and food banks during the holidays and feed thousands of people for free. The satisfaction received from such a noble work is unmatched. The smiles on the faces of so many people help you get better sleep at night, free from any negative thoughts and stress.

2. Donate to Prasadam distribution ;
Once, a box of Mahaprasadam was presented for Srila Prabhupada and his servant noticed there were ants inside savouring the sweets. The servant thought Prabhupada might not eat it because of the ants. He was calculating that once Prabhupada rejects it, he could honour the sweets. He approached Srila Prabhupada with the box of burfi and showed him the ants all over the sweets. Prabhupada said, “Ants don’t eat so much, they will eat a little bit, remaining shall be left for me. Leave it like that.” Then, Prabhupada said, “Charity begins at home.

”Hence,Prasadam distribution begins by first offering it to Vaishnavas.

Srila Ramanujacharya honoured the Prasadam of the Lord and he washed off his hands in the river. While he did so,the remaining particles of Prasadam that were stuck in his palm and fingers slipped into the water.Few fishes swam around to grab pieces of his remnants. His disciples were closely watching the miracle manifest. The fishes assumed a four-armed form of Lord Narayana and immediately left to the Vaikuntha. All of his disciples immediately took off their clothes to dive into the river thinking it’s the effect of this holy river. But however, Ramanujacharya stopped them and said, “No! It is the effect of Prasadam.”
3. Donate for Seva ;
“If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.”
–Bhagavad-gita 9.26.
Living with Krishna consciousness should be the ultimate aim of all mankind. A life of service to the Lord can be understood as the best life as has been stated in the Bhagavad Gita by Lord Krishna Himself. People generally spend their lives running after material things and comforts aspiring to be involved in spiritual practices in old age. However, the right time never comes for these people and they never get an opportunity to get close to the Lord.

Therefore, one must start living a life of Krishna consciousness today and serve Lord Krishna in whatever form it is possible. Chanting the Lord’s name, performing Japa, preaching about the Lord, donating money to temples and taking care of God’s children are some ways in which one can fulfil their role of serving the Lord.
To distance oneself from material attachments at the same time serving the Lord, the best way is to participate in an online donation to temples. Online Donation has made charity much easier at the same time, providing the doer with the same advantages and blessings. It is considered one of the best ways of serving the Lord.
The money donated to a temple is utilised in funding all the resources of a temple which might include the furniture, the books, the seminars as well as daily maintenance. It is important to note that money donated to a particular temple is used completely for the services of that temple which rules out the possibility of any misuse.
Online donation for mandir is the modern way of donating money to a temple. It helps in saving time and resources for both parties and adds to the convenience. Temple is considered to be the home of the Lord and by contributing to the home of the Lord you can get an opportunity to do your service and encourage several other people to do the same.
Recent causes ;
There are many ways to push for much-needed reforms: One way is to make a donation. It doesn’t matter much whether you contribute publicly or in a private way – either way is good. What matters is your true intention.