Spiritual Politics – A journey from insanity to saintliness

As Krsna is all-pervading, the Krsna consciousness movement also should be all-pervading.   It should touch everything, even politics, sociology, everything, if required. That is the aim.   – Srila Prabhupada Politics refers to the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power.  Spirituality refers to the quality of being more concerned…

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Try to understand Bhagavad-gétä as it is presented

Here is the beginning of education, real education. What Kåñëa says. I have already explained that our process of accepting knowledge is the paramparä system. Avaroha-panthä. There are two ways of acquiring knowledge, äroha-panthä and avaroha-panthä. Knowledge coming from the authorities, that is perfect knowledge. And knowledge acquired by experimental knowledge, that is not perfect. Because we are imperfect….

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