FOLK – Youth Empowerment Club aimed at crystallizing the formative phase of the younger generation with key values that guide them throughout their lives. Some of the most vital and practical knowledge has been inherited from the time-tested Vedic wisdom and woven into methodic workshops.
For more than one decades, our programs have been catalyzing the youth culture by designing rich avenues in art, theatre, science, philosophy, and many more. A vibrant community of highly progressive young minds awaits you. Get going.
Based on the teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Hare Krishna Movement chennai has been presenting the treasure house of spiritual knowledge to youth through ‘Friends Of Lord Krishna’ (FOLK) since the year 2010. Many youngsters making their way to HKM Chennai every Sunday for a gala gathering of an enjoyable evening of spiritual classes, music, dance and not to forget prasadam—delicious food offered to Lord Krishna.

The FOLK program employs highly interactive sessions handled by experienced faculties who have dedicated their lives as missionaries. A typical program on Sunday consists of teaching how to apply Vedic wisdom to current world realities. Solutions are provided to difficult problems that youth encounter in their daily lives, such as how to manage stress, how to improve memory and concentration, how to get rid of bad habits, how to excel in life, etc.
The youngsters are provided opportunities to showcase their talents and skills for the pleasure of the Lord. The youngsters are also taken through personality enrichment courses to explore their deeper selves and encourage them to become more reflective and introspective—a real need in today’s chaotic times.
Nobody comes with a sealed guarantee that we might live up to a particular age. What is done in life earlier, especially if misguided, becomes impossible to be undone later in life. Just as the ship cannot suddenly change course, one’s life too needs a lot of time and energy to change course. The FOLK program has provided youngsters an opportunity to transform their lives. Any FOLK participant will be able to assess the value of these programs and understand how priceless they are. In the words of one participant, “This is an experience of a lifetime.”

- AIM OF LIFE – What is the real goal of life, which is intrinsic part of everyone’s life. An aimless person is like a ship that has lost its control over the sea. The Aim is defined as a strong will to achieve something. Every person must have a well-defined objective in life. It helps a person to understand the direction of his/her career. One will discover in these session the real aim of life which is ultimately going to help person and make his life peaceful and happy. (2 session)
2. Jijnasa – Despite the significant technological and medical advances mankind has been making in the last few decades, happiness in relationships and life seems to be on the downslide. Stress and dissatisfaction are apparently on the rise. The world seems to be missing something. What is that missing link?. You can discover that missing link and many more things… (18 sessions)
B. FOLK residency
Spiritual learning and Vedic culture were once the pillars on which Indian civilization founded a life filled with success, happiness, and harmony. FOLK Residency aspires to reintroduce today’s fast-tracked youth to that timeless concept of peaceful living.

FOLK Residency is a service from Hare Krishna Movement – Chennai. Residencies in carefully chosen areas across Chennai and a few other Indian cities are maintained and let out to bachelors who are either students or working professionals. Closely following the teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and Lord Krishna, the Residency program invites youngsters to live with like-minded people.
In FOLK Residency, we adhere to practices of stress management and anxiety relief. Our arrangements are such that you can enjoy the companionship of your housemates without compromising on your personal space.
We serve hygienic, nutritious, and 100% vegetarian food, thrice a day. There are regular morning programs, meditation sessions, group discussions, and feasts to keep you entertained as well as help you maintain your emotional and physical balance.

We greet members from diverse backgrounds and classes. Sharing a house with them gives you a chance to communicate with different personalities, build relationships, learn life skills, share resources, and grow as a compassionate, confident human being.
For attending enlightening FOLK session on sundays, please register yourself using this link: bit.ly/NRKDwf
For more information on FOLK Residency, you can contact us at connect@hkmchennai.org