Vamana Jayanti – 2022

The Supreme Lord appeared as the son of Kashyapa and Aditi in the form of a dwarf Brahmana (Vamana) to deliver Bali Maharaja, a great devotee born in the family of demons. Sri Jayadeva Gosvami sings: chalayasi vikramane balim adbhuta-vamanapada-nakha-nira-janita-jana-pavanakesava dhrta-vamana-rupa jaya jagadisa hare O Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form…

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Sri Radhashtami – 2022

On this auspicious occasion the Deities of Sri Sri Krishna Balaram are gorgeously adorned with dress. The altar is decorated with brilliant, colourful flowers which spread their fragrance everywhere. Devotees perform kirtanas and glorify Srimati Radharani by singing wonderful songs composed by Vaishnava Acharyas like  Sri Radhikastava , Radhikastaka. The visiting temple are offered Mahaprasadam at temple premises.   …

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