REGISTER FOR ICVK (INDIAN CULTURAL AND VALUES FOR KIDS) Name of the Child *Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY) *Age *Gender *Please select an optionMaleFemaleBlood Group *0 / 6Which area you would like to join for ICVK classes?MogappairThiruvanmiyurPlease note that ICVK classes are available for children aged 6 to 12 years only at the Mogappair center. At the Thiruvanmiyur center, ICVK classes are offered for children aged 3 to 15 years. Kindly select your batch accordingly from the options belowSelect Batch *Gopala (3 to 5 yrs) – Sub JuniorKeshava (6 to 8 yrs) – JuniorGovinda (9 to 12 yrs) – SeniorMadhava (13 to 15yrs) – TeenName of the School *Name of Father *Name of Mother *Residential Address *Contact Number of Father *Contact Number of Mother *EmailPick and drop person name *Pick and drop person contact number *Relation *Aadhaar Number of ChildConsent on Media release (permission to use photos or videos of the participant) *Please select an optionYesNoInterested in Free "Gita Life" course - for parents simultaneously *Both Parents are interested to attendOnly Single parent willing to attendNot interested(Kindly attach the below documents) *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded filePhoto ID proof of childCourse Fee : Rs 2000 per semester G-pay number : 9789057104 (Please select BASICS FOUNDATION under Businesses)Screen shot of payment made (after the completion of payment) *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileSubmit